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Saturday, April 01, 2006

I tried to send this email out to our supporters and churches that we know will pray about it... but the email won't send. I personally think that this is because "somone" does not want this information to get out:

Dear Friends, Family and Churches throughout North America,
Greetings in the awesome and supreme name of Jesus Christ who gives us power, comfort and assurance to bring us through any trial.

I am writing to mobilize an awesome prayer team that you either are already a part of or are able to join. As you know, we are currently studying at the Spanish Language in San Jose Costa Rica along with 200 or so other students, most of whom are missionaries throughout the Spanish speaking world. It should be no surprise that we are all facing tremendous amounts of Spiritual Warfare.

For the last 2 months, we have been amazed at the number of students that began to fall ill and needed to stay home from class. Though frustrating, this was not all that bad and we continued as we had been. But this week, a good friend of ours was taken to the hospital and admitted to the ICU with a blood clot in her heart. The clot has now moved to her lungs and another clot has been found in her knee. She has a husband and 2 young boys. Another girl, Karri, is a young single girl, late this week, was found to have a blood clot in her thigh. In yet another incident, a friend of Dena's named Lisa, has been put on bed rest after beginning to have contractions not even 7 months into her pregnancy.

And finally, I just received word that the language school was robbed this week. The thieves took cheques and forged $40,000 worth of checks at various banks in San Jose. I don't have all the details on this theft but know one thing for sure: Satan is on the defensive. He recognizes the power that resides in the hearts of the students here in San Jose and is willing to stop at nothing to keep us from being further equipped to do the work of Christ in the world.

Friends, pray! Pray that God will heal those in the hospital and home with illnesses and infirmities! Pray that God will provide for the school to continue it's work! PRAY that each of us enrolled will take seriously our responsibilities as warriors for the Light, that we remain pure and are clothed in the full armor of God! Pray against the attacks happening here and pray that the work that Satan is so desperately trying to hinder, will change lives and empower churches to show the true Jesus Christ to the nations!

Thank you for taking the time to help us defend ourselves through prayer and for taking the time to bring this to the awareness of your local church!

In Prayer and Battle,
Elliott & Dena Innes
Missionaries to Latin America
Global Partners/Wesleyan World Missions


Anonymous said...

wow, he really knows that you are there to do something good, doesn't he? (Nerd isn't a strong enough word) I will keep you all in my prayers.

Richards' said...

He is so cute! I really think that he and Gabby should hook up sometime!

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I'm a quarter aged youth/missions guy living and serving in Lima, Peru with my wife (Dena), son (Micaiah) and daughter (Shaylee).

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