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Sunday, July 15, 2007

I realize that, although pictures have been abounding (and as there are grandparents and such still lurking in the shadow of the blogosphere, they will continue to abound), words have been short and few.

Here's the news:

The baby, (Shaylee Ann) is great. She's healthy, already establishing a feeding schedule and even let mom get a "good" night's sleep last night. I swear (as you'll see in the pics below) she gets more gorgeous every day. She has a perfect round little face and smoky eyes (that may actually be blue, despite what I said in an earlier now seem more blue than brown or green).

Dena is full of energy and needs to continually be told to rest. She just wants to do everything, but has been taking it easy and spending a good amount of time relaxing and bonding with Shaylee.

Micaiah is doing great. He loves his new little sister and as of yet has not called her a dog... this is extraordinary as he calls everything, lamps, birds, toys, his own father, "DOG". He went over to Sue and Jarvis's house yesterday afternoon and will probably stay there till tomorrow morning because...

I am sick. Yes... again. It hit the day after Shaylee's birth and I was hoping it was just exhaustion, but it has turned out to be parasites (again). It's nothing at all serious but it causes me to have a constant neck ache and frequent trips to ye ol' baƱo (think of the video game Pong. I am the ball and the paddles are the couch and the restroom). I got a good rest last night and hopefully get another good night's sleep tonight.

Lydia (aka, Dena's Mom/My mother in law/Grandma Meanie) arrives Tuesday night and we are very much looking forward to the company (*cough~~and the help~~cough*). It's always fun to have her around, Micaiah loves her, Dena is always ecstatic to have her mom around, and she's an amazing cook (*cough~~and the help~~cough*).

That's about it for now. Enjoy the pics.


Elizabeth said...

She is VERY precious, and I love the black and white pics! I pray you'll be better quickly, and that Dena is able to get LOTS of rest!!

Maria Purviance said...

she is a beautiful little girl. congrats

Owen said...

AWWWWWWW- She's soooooo cute. I love her name to! Say hi to D for me.


About Me

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I'm a quarter aged youth/missions guy living and serving in Lima, Peru with my wife (Dena), son (Micaiah) and daughter (Shaylee).

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