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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Mac Programs I Love

I must admit, I'm a Mac. I was a PC, but when my 2 yr old PC bit the dust last October, I opted for a Macbook. My logic was the insane reliability of their hardware and I decided I would get Mac with an Intel chip and run Windows.

It took me a few months to get my hands on a copy of Windows XP to install on the Mac and by then, I didn't want to. Mac had won me over.

So here, for my Mac lovin' friends, is a list of Mac Programs I love:

  1. ieatbrainz: Compares the acoustical signature of your itunes library with that of an online database and gives you the correct song name, album, artist and composer. Great for getting rid of typos or problems like your computer listing "Dave Matthews Band" and "Dave Matthew's Band" as two different artists.
  2. iPhoto Buddy: Creates multiple iPhoto libraries so that your pics don't get so cluttered. At one point I had about 3,000 pictures in one library and it would take almost 3 minutes to open the program. With iPhoto buddy, I have separated my pics into 4 different libraries and they open as a snap.
  3. Quicksilver: I have not quite been evangelized to all of the glory of quicksilver, but to be able to open programs, folders and files in less time than it would take me to say "spotlight" is a time saver.
  4. Audio Hijack Pro: One of the few programs on this list that you have to pay for, it takes my one complaint about my Macbook and throws it out the window. The speakers on the Macbook are awkwardly placed and very quiet. Audio Hijack allows me to crank the volume higher than the system would normally. This is a life saver when trying to watch a movie without headphones or external speakers attached.
  5. Gmail notifier: A simple program, but it was the deal breaker to get me to switch to Gmail. Let's me know when I get a new email (and also when my gCal has new appointments coming up).
  6. VLC: A media player that plays almost any format.
  7. Skype: I love Macs built in video chat program iChat, and as far as I know, so do the other 3 people on the planet that use it. So because of a lack of users, I am forced to use another program to communicate, via video with the outside world (ie: grandparents). Skype is easy to use, has decent video and audio quality and has also been a huge help when I have been traveling with my Mac and gotten stuck in airports overnight. For pennies, you can use Skype to call land line phones from your computer.
  8. Adium: I have friends that use almost any Instant Messaging program imaginable: GoogleTalk, MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, AOL Instant Messenger, and so on. Adium let's me have all of those contacts, and communicate with all of them in one program. I just long for the day the add Skype and video support.
  9. Facebook Sync: Just what it sounds like. Merges your Facebook friends and their contact info such as email, address, etc. into your Mac's address book. Great program to use, especially when people won't reply to your Plaxo request ;). This program is very much a BETA program. It works, but it is not pretty.
  10. iWork: I am slowly moving from Microsoft Office to Mac's own iWork programs for my word processing and presentation needs. The end result from these programs look slicker and more professional. The presentation software, Keynote, puts PowerPoint to shame on many levels. But true assimilation cannot take place until they come out with a spreadsheet program to replace Excel. Come and come quickly!
What are your Mac programs you love?


theajthomas said...

iGTD - Awesome task organized if you are into "Getting Things Done". And it's free!!!

Elliott said...

I have tried it and also read (aka: listened) to the book. I have adopted some aspects of GTD but can't quite get behind the whole "GTD is the new gospel" cult.

theajthomas said...
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theajthomas said...

Then I guess we know who won't be saved!

(from poor productivity)

Manuel Nivia said...

Great thing elliot.. I wish I had a Mac.... windows is killing me.

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I'm a quarter aged youth/missions guy living and serving in Lima, Peru with my wife (Dena), son (Micaiah) and daughter (Shaylee).

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