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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Update #2

Well, we are still waiting for contractions. I talked to the Doctor at around 8:30 and she is willing to wait as long as 48 hours before inducing from the time the water breaks, but her normal practice is 24 hours. We'll see as things progress if that is necessary, here's hoping it won't be. The biggest factor in inducing within any time frame is fear of infection and there are a number of things we can do that will prevent that from happening. Many women have gone as long as 2 weeks or longer after their water broke, but I doubt we'd be that extreme.

As far as how Dena is doing... she has been outside sweeping the patio and now just came in to ask if I approved of her vacuuming the hallway. LOL. When she's done that we'll get her showered and dressed and head out to do groceries... who knows what might trigger the contractions. It's just exciting knowing that the birth is so soon. With Micaiah, we waiting 3 weeks after the due date and tried everything to get him out. With the new baby, yesterday was the first due date we had and had been given tomorrow and the 12th as well. At least we know that the anticipation is about to be realized.

I guess that's it for now. Micaiah is still hanging out at Uncle Jarvis and Aunt Sue's house and will come home early afternoon.

Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Yay! Baby! I hope everything's going well!

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I'm a quarter aged youth/missions guy living and serving in Lima, Peru with my wife (Dena), son (Micaiah) and daughter (Shaylee).

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