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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

TEV (The Elliott Version)

I have decided to use Psalm 96 as a text for this Sunday and after spending most of my day today reading and re-reading it, as well as reading others opinions and thoughts, I have come up with the following paraphrase (You can read it in the NIV here):

Paraphrase of Psalm 96:

Oh, that everybody would sing! Sing, anew! Sing in honor of Him!
Oh, that they would never stop worshiping him for delivering them from what was old and dead!

Go and tell about his glory, where He has not yet been glorified!
Go and share the incredible truth of Him, because he is awesome and deserves every bit of praise that we can muster, because he deserves our respect and holy fear.

Go because everything to which the world has attributed value is trash, because the One who created the heavens stands with splendor and majesty. Strength and magnificence surround Him.

All families of creation, lay upon Him all the magnificence and power that he deserves!
All families of creation, offer your lives to Him! Come and worship Him in all His beauty.

Now you, go and tell about His sovereignty to the ends of the earth.
Tell of the Kingdom that is eternal, never changing, tell of the King that rules with integrity.

Let all of creation, from the sea to the sky, once again praise Him as they were meant to.

Let everything worship as He returns to restore everything with fairness and truth.


Anonymous said...

Go and Tell
That is what it is all about ...
here with our families, neighbours, friends....
there with your adopted families, neighbours, friends....
and everywhere with those who

Richards' said...

I couldn't help but notice that your profile still says you have an unborn child...

Elliott said...

I'll change it when I get 5 minutes free.

Michele said...

Our church here in Columbia,SC is doing Blackaby's study Experiencing God and we are learning to go where God is working. We have been backwards in our thinking for so long about saying "God what is your will for my life" and then sitting back and waiting for the 'aha' moment but now are beginning to watch, abide in Him and His word and go where HE is working. It's a new way of thinking for alot of us, but we are already seeing where God is blessing our labors. Your paraphrase is great,right on target. We need to go. Now the question is for those of us leading churches, how do you encourage your people to get up and go??? I guess that's been the question for a long time...

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I'm a quarter aged youth/missions guy living and serving in Lima, Peru with my wife (Dena), son (Micaiah) and daughter (Shaylee).

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